Mengapa Generasi Milenial Harus Memiliki Rumah dan Bagaimana Cara Melakukannya

Sustainable living requires a home as an essential need, alongside food and clothing. A home serves not only as shelter but also as an investment that can appreciate over time. Delaying the decision to buy a home can have heavier consequences due to the continuous rise in property prices.


However, often young generations, especially millennials and Gen Z, overlook the importance of homeownership, opting to spend their money on consumptive lifestyles.


There are several reasons why millennials should promptly acquire their first home:


Firstly, property prices continue to escalate over time. Postponing home purchases will only make it increasingly difficult in the future.


Secondly, as age progresses, it becomes more challenging to accumulate sufficient funds, while living expenses continue to rise with age.


Thirdly, the availability of residential land is diminishing, causing property prices to continuously rise. For instance, homes in developing areas may experience an annual price increase of up to 7%.


According to the Financial Services Authority (OJK), the burgeoning location makes housing offers more abundant and challenging to access.


To plan for home purchases, several factors need to be considered:


  1. Conduct thorough house hunting to gain a clear understanding of available options. Consider aspects such as location, house type, developer reputation, amenities, and payment convenience.


  1. After narrowing down options, perform detailed financial evaluations. Determine how much money you can save and allocate for home installments.


  1. Conduct surveys regarding the mortgage schemes offered by various banks to find the one that best suits your needs.


  1. If possible, find ways to increase additional income without disrupting your main job, such as freelancing or online side jobs.


  1. Besides saving, consider investing in safe financial instruments like precious metals, deposits, or mutual funds.


Ultimately, owning a home is not just about having a place to live but also an investment that can provide long-term benefits. With proper planning and financial discipline, millennials can achieve the goal of homeownership.

Millennials, Home Purchase, Financial Investment

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