Tips on Property Investment in Bali

Tips Investasi Properti – Photo by Samson on Unsplash

Up until now, property continues to be an investment instrument that has gained the attention of many Indonesians, especially in strategic and profitable places like Bali. The Island of the Gods which never seems to run out of domestic and international tourists is often mentioned as a prime target for investors.


Bali has always been an ideal area for property investment. With the help of its tourist attractions, the property sector in Bali is always bustling with tourists who want to visit or settle in Bali. Whether domestic or international tourists, demand in the property sector will always be present and substantial every year.


Are you interested in investing in property in Bali? Here are some best tips to consider if you want to achieve substantial profits.

1. Purchase When Property Prices are Stable

It is important to note that property prices in holiday destinations tend to be relatively stable compared to other areas. This means you can invest in Bali properties at any time.

Even so, it is still a good idea to double-check the market price of the property you’re interested in. Market price information is available on websites, from property agents, on marketplaces, and through direct market research. With this in mind, it’s highly recommended to buy property when the market prices are relatively stable.

2. Avoid Buying Property During Holiday Seasons

Investing in property in Bali can be a competitive endeavor, as many other investors are also seeking properties like you. Typically, they will look for vacant land and then redevelop it or repurpose it into guesthouses, villas, or budget-friendly hostels for tourists.

Most investors tend to arrive during the holiday seasons to ensure that the property’s location is in demand. However, during these times, both buying and selling prices tend to be higher due to the influx of tourists.


Therefore, it’s advisable to buy property for investment in Bali before or after the holiday season. During these periods, you have more room to negotiate prices as you won’t be in tight competition with other investors.

3. Strategic Property Location Selection

Another crucial aspect to consider when planning to invest in Bali through property is the availability of facilities. This includes factors such as access to places of worship, supermarkets, pharmacies, ATMs, and so on.


Therefore, it is highly recommended that you conduct an on-site location survey beforehand. This is important so you can identify what facilities are available in the vicinity of the property. The Ungasan area is one of the ideal choices for owning an investment asset.


The more comprehensive the facilities available, the more appealing your property will be for rental to visiting tourists. The more attractive your property, the higher its potential value.

4. Prospect Products with Market Demand

Another tip for investing in property in Bali is to align yourself with market demand. This means, before making a purchase, it’s recommended to survey the target market in the area you’re targeting.


If the demand is high but supply can’t cover it, then the investment you make is guaranteed to reap enticing profits. You can also consider renovating your property to make it more appealing to the market.

  1. Culture and Infrastructure Development

In addition to properties, the infrastructure in Bali is also continuously developed with a cultural basis. Despite ongoing construction, the government of the Bali Province maintains a balance between nature and culture by implementing risk management.


This is done to avoid negative impacts on Bali’s environment, ensuring the authenticity of its nature and culture is preserved. The ongoing infrastructure development will undoubtedly make it easier for both residents and tourists to travel and engage in various activities.


It’s no wonder that many people are increasingly interested in living on the island of Bali due to its improving infrastructure. So, are you ready to invest in property in Bali?

Bali property investment, Market demand, Infrastructure development

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